Catherine Joanne, Spiritual Director

CaptureCatherine Joanne is available to all guests of Saint Joseph’s Dwelling Place for Spiritual Direction, if desired. She has received formal training and education in the art and skill of Spiritual Direction from the Institutes of Formative Spirituality of Duquesne University and Boston College.

Catherine views Spiritual Direction as “co-listening”… listening with each person to the voice of Holy Spirit. When appropriate, she offers guidance and wisdom gleaned from Scripture, from traditional and contemporary spiritual masters, and from her own experience of being on the spiritual journey. Meetings for Spiritual Direction are approximately 40 minutes in length and may be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.

On the Road

Catherine presents a Marian Retreat, Full of Grace, a Lenten Retreat, Walking with Jesus and Mary, as well as many other parish retreats, concerts and programs. She offers concerts, retreats and workshops for teens and schools.

Recordings Available

CDs of Catherine Joanne’s musical ministry are available to help you deepen your life of faith. Click here to view them!

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Rebecca Lieber, Assistant Director & Innkeeper

beccasmRebecca Lieber hales from Wisconsin, growing up in Wisconsin Rapids and later, residing and working in the Milwaukee area.  Becky received her undergraduate degree in Social Work and her Master’s degree in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.  Before moving to Vermont in 2007, Becky worked as a school librarian for thirteen years in Hales Corners, WI.

Now, Becky serves as Assistant Director of St. Joseph’s Dwelling Place, helping oversee the maintenance of the building and grounds and taking care of all the details of hospitality.

We Need Your Help to Continue Our Ministry!

As we celebrate our 30th year of spiritual ministry here in Vermont, we pause to thank you for your generous support of St. Joseph’s Dwelling Place. Offering small or large donations, one time gifts or monthly pledges, people who have been touched and blessed by this Dwelling Place and Catherine Joanne’s ministry on the road have made it possible for us to continue to welcome individuals, couples and groups of all ages and walks of life to grow in peace, hope and spirituality.

Even as we thank you, we turn to you again, and ask if you would consider a small or large gift to help us continue this work of hospitality at St. Joseph’s Dwelling Place. Perhaps you would consider placing us on a monthly gift schedule, an automatic payment plan, or even including us in your will as part of the spiritual legacy that you leave behind for future generations.

Whatever you are able to do to assist us will be deeply appreciated, as we move forward with confidence in our mission: to welcome, serve and nurture the presence of God in each guest.

Thank you,

Catherine Joanne

Catherine Joanne, Spiritual Director