  • Virtual Retreats from SJDP Chapel

    Each Sunday of the coronavirus pandemic, while churches remain closed to worship gatherings, Catherine Joanne offers a Sunday Retreat from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. via internet on the Zoom conferencing platform.  Presently, the focus of these online gatherings is the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.  This Sunday, April 19,…

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  • Couples’ Advent Retreat

    December 7-9, 2018 we invite couples of all faith traditions to spiritually ignite their relationship in Vermont! During three group conferences, we will focus on: Improving Communication Common Characteristics of Lasting Marriages Insights drawn from Pope Francis’ letter: The Joy of Love There will also be time for private prayer…

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  • Catherine Joanne in Philadelphia

    Do you live in or near Northeast Philly?  If so, consider participating in part or all of Catherine’s Spiritual Enrichment Week in St. John Cantius Parish, Bridesburg.  One week each month from September through June, Catherine Joanne travels from Vermont to Philadelphia bringing a week of retreat evenings for individuals…

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  • Dorothy Day’s Birthday

       “I never considered myself a liberal—I considered myself a radical.” —Dorothy Day We celebrate Dorothy Day, born this day in 1897, one of  “four great Americans” mentioned by Pope Francis in his recent address to both houses of the United States Congress.   Radical in her lifetime, Dorothy Day worked in the first…

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  • Spiritual Direction

    What is Spiritual Direction?  Throughout the ages, people have sought advice from members of the community who seem to offer wise guidance, insight or inspiration.  In every faith tradition, and even outside the religious sphere, individuals emerge, sought out for assistance and support in penetrating life’s conundrums, making decisions, and processing problems.  This tradition…

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  • Transition

    Transition is defined as a process or period of changing from one state or condition to another.  For some of us, transition is longed for, welcomed, invited, sought after.  For others, not so much…  Transition can sometimes come as an unwelcome surprise, and suddenly, we find ourselves thrust into a process…

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  • To Live the Eucharist

    On this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, we are invited to imitate the Presence of Jesus as he comes to us and remains with us in this Sacrament of Love. In the Eucharist, Jesus chooses to be small, weak, vulnerable, breakable, dependent on the instrumentality of a…

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  • Trinity and Relationship

    For me, God’s revelation of self as three Persons is an invitation to every kind of relationship with God we could ever desire in the course of our lifetime.  When we are younger, we need to relate to God from our perspective of loving, obedient child, so God is there for us as Father.  As we grow,…

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  • Pentecost Retreat

    Three couples from New Jersey gathered with Catherine Joanne for a spiritual retreat this Pentecost weekend. Combining conferences with Catherine with celebrations of prayer and liturgy at nearby Weston Priory, their retreat experience was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit!

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  • Listening to God

    On Saturday, May 16, Rev. Heidi L. Edson and members of St. Luke’s Episcopal Vestry in Chester, VT, gathered with Catherine Joanne for a day of prayer and reflection around the theme of “Listening to God”: how we can become better listeners personally and as communities of faith. The retreat…

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