To Live the Eucharist

On this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, we are invited to imitate the Presence of Jesus as he comes to us and remains with us in this Sacrament of Love.

In the Eucharist, Jesus chooses to be small, weak, vulnerable, breakable, dependent on the instrumentality of a priest, utterly simple and available to all who approach him.

In the Eucharist, Jesus is infinitely patient, waiting for us to come to him; tolerant, though we neglect or take him for granted in this sacrament; long-suffering, even when not receiving the respect or reverence he deserves.

In fact, Jesus in the Eucharist is everything we might most want to avoid. We tend to prefer strength, power, independence, appreciation, attention and human respect.

As we celebrate this feast of Corpus Christi, Jesus may be asking us to Love one another as He has loved us, and will forever love us, in the Eucharist.


Happy Feastday!


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