Asking for Help
- Apr 03, 2015
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- In Inspiration
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Sometimes it’s easier for us to be in a position to give help to others, rather than to ask for help ourselves. Jesus gives us the example of accepting help graciously and gratefully as he struggled on his way to Calvary. As He carried the cross, He needed the presence and support of his Mother, Simon, Veronica, the Women of Jerusalem, John, his beloved disciple, and even Joseph of Aramathea, who would offer him a grave.
Thich Nhat Hanh offers sage advice for when someone we love deeply hurts us and we are suffering. He acknowledges that we might most want to withdraw in that moment, perhaps to our room, close the door, and suffer alone. But he invites us instead to go to the one we love and say: “I am suffering. Please help me.” Practicing this mantra makes it possible for the one we love to reach out to us and help us bear the weight of that cross. In that moment, only that loved one can help us in that way. Humbly requesting help and gratefully receiving it is a beautiful imitation of Jesus on this sacred Friday we call Good.
If you’d like to view more of the inspiring interview with Thich Nhat Hahn, Click Here